Hi, I’m Nicole.
Let’s jump. Both feet in.
I have seen how humanity will unravel. I have been on a carnival cruise when the buffet opens. You?
Photographing families in the Denver Colorado area since 2010. I shoot both digital and analog Kodak Film
I was made for ocean living, but blooming here in that mountain life. By bloom I mean I only like the summers and die in the first frost. LOL
Married to my college sweetheart & Mom to two. I majored in Political Science/Constitutional Law-LOL but my soul always loved to tell a good story. Now it’s just with a camera in hand.
I will bring a speaker and music to our session because thats the kind of photographer I am. Let’s have a good time!!!! Life is beautiful and complicated and these photos should reflect your unique family/story. I love for you to trust me and show up as you are.
I like my eggs over easy and my ROSE chilled. & is there anything better than a perfectly placed bad word?
I danced with grief this year. Sometimes I was leading it. Sometimes it was leading me. I am learning to live without my mother-as hard as it is. What I do know is that I will forever grieve all of my moms unfinished chapters. & When I miss her the most-I close my eyes & look at photos of her when I can. Let’s give the people you love that too.
image by FotoPop Photography
Memorize all the things that you love

Meet The Team
Likes long walks to the dog park and a good steak bone at the end of the day. Barks at the UPS guy like there’s no tomorrow. Takes no shit from Nicole and jumps on the couch no matter how many times she says no.
Text book second child that many times leaves his parents speechless. Knows everything, for sure, and will argue the sky is green if it means he is right. Football and dirt-biking is life!!!! Wanna-be food critic with a palette ranging from Taco Bell/Mexican Pizza to Oysters. Loves to count his money and tell everyone not to touch it. Lives for a dance party. Incredible student of the piano. Is his mother’s pride and joy and his father’s dream come true..
We joke around and call her Mother Teresa, but for reals. The sweetest soul that has ever graced this earth. Adventurous Animal Lover. Artist. ( she should sell her art but isn’t ready-classic artist) Makes us laugh daily with her underrated humor and sprinkles in the sass when she needs it. She is THE baby/toddler whisperer and we have no idea where she came from. Neither parent can take credit for her goodness and we are so lucky she is ours.